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Trademark registration is essential for building a business and differentiating its products and / or services in relation to the competition. If you intend to have a company that people remember, you need to register a brand.

From the moment you register a brand, it becomes a reference for what you want to represent or sell. When people find you, they will relate your visual identity to the services and / or products that your company offers. She becomes the spokesperson, as she communicates directly with the public and should be considered the company's greatest asset.


Another relevant fact is that, when registering your trademark, no other person will be able to use it without authorization or register it and and will have the rights over it. This gives your business idea protection and exclusivity.

How does the registration of trademarks in Multmarcas work?

Multmarcas offers its clients all the legal advice so that your brand is registered correctly, so that you can guarantee exclusivity on the distinctive and visually perceptible sign that identifies and distinguishes your company, its products and services.

See how Multmarcas works:

  1. First, your trademark registration request is received through the Multmarcas website.

  2. Brand search : The name to be registered must be unique. Therefore, it is analyzed if your brand already exists in Brazil or in the world (if you are interested in registering a brand abroad). Other factors are also observed, such as: use of generic, descriptive terms, fallacies, type of brand, among others.

  3. Trademark recognition request: After a detailed analysis, Multmarcas sends the registration recognition request in accordance with the legal rules to INPI.

  4. Monitoring and assistance: Multmarcas provides assistance and assistance during all stages of the registration of a trademark (from order to the grant of the registration certificate). In case documents and changes are necessary, all necessary support is offered so that bottlenecks do not act in the process.

Multmarcas specializes in the registration of various types of trademarks

Depending on the type of your business, there is a specific brand to register. Multmarcas Marcas e Patentes has the following types of trademark registration:

Product brands: They are used to differentiate products developed by a company.

Service marks: They are important for companies that work with the provision of services and serve to designate them.

Collective Brands: They serve to differentiate products or services offered by members of an association or entity.

Certification marks: They aim to ensure that a product or service complies with certain standards or technical specifications.

Register your brand abroad

If your company wishes to export products to other countries or to grant a trademark use license, it is recommended to register trademarks abroad. Through Multmarcas' partners, this type of service is offered to countries in Latin America, North America (United States), Europe (France, Spain, England, Italy, Germany, etc.) and Asia (China).


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