The creation of a patent is a crucial factor for entrepreneurs who wish to be competitive in a society where the life cycle of products is increasingly shorter and competition increasingly fierce.
Defined as the “exclusive title of property conferred on someone by the State”, the patent is, therefore, decisive for business prosperity in a market of extreme competition, since it guarantees the rights over a new technology, be it a product or process.
Protect your invention
Multmarcas offers you all the specialized legal support so that your invention or innovation is protected by law. Thus, you will have the right to exploit it in the market, in addition to inhibiting others from doing the same. Have this effective business tool in hand that will allow you to obtain exclusive use of a new product or process. Certainly, this will be a differential, in view of the competition and to obtain profits through direct marketing or through licenses.
Step by step of creating patents at Multmarcas
See how this process happens:
First, your patent application is received, via the Multmarcas website.
Patent search: Through Multmarcas' specialized software, a complete search is carried out to identify whether the product or process in question has already been patented. If this has not occurred, the process is initiated with the creation of the patent application.
Patent creation request: In this phase, all the necessary documentation is gathered to make your patent creation request and the process is entered.
Monitoring and advice: Multmarcas offers monitoring and advice during all stages of the creation of its patent (from application to patent grant). In case documents and changes in the documentation are necessary, the company offers all the necessary support so that bottlenecks do not act in the process.
What are the types of patents filed by Multmarcas?
Through Multmarcas regional offices, in Maringá-PR and Franca-SP, you can apply for the following types of patents:
Invention: it is interpreted as an intellectual creation that aims to show a new solution to a technical problem. The creation of a totally new or improved product, device, method or process are some examples.
Utility Model: this is an innovation, that is, an intervention or adaptation of an existing product or process that transforms it, which may be improving some technical process, increasing performance or any other type of interference that changes the way product or process behave, turning them into something better. It is also susceptible to industrial application.
An example is the cell phone. As soon as it was invented it had a certain configuration, characterizing it as a patent registration, with all its descriptions and details. As new technologies were discovered, proposed and applied, interventions were made in this type of device, such as touch screens, callers, etc. Thus, new patents, with these new interferences, were being proposed.
For a patent to be made, the object in question must therefore meet the requirements of novelty, activity / inventive act and industrial application.
What can be patented?
According to Law No. 9,279 , in its article 9, processes or objects that have use and practical application in the market may be patented. That is, it is not enough to create something that meets the criteria of innovation and functional improvement, without this invention having a practical and profitable appeal to the market.
And what cannot be patented?
This same law establishes several exceptions to patent rights. Look:
Living beings
In Brazil, it is not possible to patent living beings, except for those transgenic micro organisms that meet the patentability requirements. Non-transgenic animals and plants, found in nature, for example, cannot be patented. The purpose of this is to allow the preservation of natural assets (fauna and flora) and their free access by the population.
New scientific theories and mathematical methods are not patentable. The objective is to guarantee the accessibility of scientific knowledge.
Abstract ideas
A patent, to be granted, must be tangible, referring to a material and reproducible creation on the market.
It is not possible to patent methods of financial and accounting organization, as well as advertising, drawing and education strategies. These ideas, however innovative they may be, are not subject to the granting of a patent.
Literary, artistic creations and computer programs
These creations are protected by copyright, not by granting patents. These are other means of protection.
Medical techniques
In countries like the United States, the patent for surgical, surgical and therapeutic methods is patentable. In Brazil, this is expressly prohibited by the industrial property protection law.